For many people, the Gospels
are all jumbled up in their minds.
They seem so much alike it’s hard to tell them apart.
Is this true for you, as well?
You know there are four Gospels, but why?
Wouldn’t one do? [Spoiler alert: No!]
And what are you missing by keeping them all jumbled up?
Let’s end the confusion!
Unjumble the Gospels and bring clarity to the life of Jesus while strengthening your faith
Learn how to achieve this enriching goal…even if you are brand new to the Bible or lived with it for years.
You can do this!
If the Gospels all seem alike to you, wouldn’t you like to know why there are four of them and why we need them all?
The Gospels are long and not organized for easy learning. What you are in need of is a proven way to determine each Gospel’s uniqueness and how it relates to you today. You want to strengthen your faith and find answers to your questions.
Why are there four Gospels anyway? Wouldn’t one life of Jesus suffice? And although they repeat many of the same stories, why do they differ in so many details? Aren’t they from eye-witnesses?
Since there are four Gospels, there must be reasons why they are in the New Testament that differ from each other. Would knowing these differences help you find out each Gospel’s purpose? Can these differences help you in your walk of faith as they did for those who first heard them? (Spoiler alert: the answer is Yes!)
Your preacher mentioned in a sermon that the Magi were not present when Mary gave birth to Jesus in the manger. They came along some time after they moved into a house. That goes against every manger scene and child’s Sunday School pageant you’ve ever seen. Is this right?
If the Gospels were not written by eyewitnesses, why should you trust them? Who were these people? Were they not the original disciples? What evidence is there as to the authors?
There is so much duplication of stories and events. That’s why it’s hard to keep the Gospels straight in our minds. But would seeing how each Gospel writer used the same stories, but to a different effect or purpose, help you unjumble them? It’s part of the solution. 25px
You noticed that Mark has no stories of Jesus’ birth, nor has John. Why not? And why does Jesus ascend to heaven in Luke but not in Matthew or Mark? You’d like to read the story of the Prodigal Son but don’t know how to find it. Also, why is the “Lord’s Prayer” different in Matthew and Luke; and why are the Beatitudes so different?
The Problem: Getting the Gospels Clear in our minds
~The Solution~
Introducing “Unjumbling the Gospels”
The complete package:
five courses in one
Course 1—Introduction: The cause of confusion
and the way out
Course 2—The Gospel of Mark: A serious call to discipleship
Course 3—The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus,
a new Moses who reforms the Judaism of his day
Course 4—The Gospel of Luke: The Jesus Movement goes from sect to inclusiveness
Course 5—The Gospel of John: The incarnation of the Wisdom of God
The complete package:
five courses in one
Course 1—Introduction: The cause of confusion
and the way out
Course 2—The Gospel of Mark: A serious call to discipleship
Course 3—The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus,
a new Moses who reforms the Judaism of his day
Course 4—The Gospel of Luke: The Jesus Movement goes from sect to inclusiveness
Course 5—The Gospel of John: The incarnation of the Wisdom of God
Here is what you will learn from “Unjumbling the Gospels”
- In these courses, you will first look at the source of why the Gospels are easily confused with one another
- Then you will take each Gospel in the order they were written and find their distinctive purposes
- You will discover the unique approach to who Jesus was in their time
- You will come to know their different views of discipleship and be challenged to affirm your own understanding
- You will see how they understood the meaning of the cross and it’s significance for you
- You’ll locate the situation in their congregation that caused them to write their Gospel
- And find how each Gospel relates to you today
- You will see why Matthew, Mark, and Luke (the synoptic Gospels) are so much alike, and why John is so very different
- You will come away with a renewed understanding of the early church and its lessons for today
You will also be able to engage the course author in direct conversation
This interactive online course includes videos, PowerPoint presentations, informative PDFs for going deeper,
and quizzes designed to aid in comprehension of the material.
Here’s the Complete Unjumbling Package
COURSE 1: “Introduction to the Four Gospels”
The first course is an introduction to the background of the New Testament that informs the world of the Gospels. It explores the occasions that prompted the writing of the Gospels, the source of confusion in our minds, why the Gospels are theological documents, and end with answering the question, just what a Gospel is, as it was a unique kind of literature in its time. When you are finished with this introductory course you will be prepared to study each of the Gospels.
This introductory course is free and will be bundled with any of the Gospel courses. Separately, it is $75.
COURSE 2: “The Gospel of Mark”
The enormous challenge of discipleship
Release date: March 15, 2022
Mark’s Gospel is the foundation for Matthew and Luke. Mark (as we shall call the unknown author) invented the Gospel genre and Matthew and Luke follow his outline in almost every regard. This is the beginning of the source of why the Gospels get all jumbled up. But Mark’s agenda is radically different from theirs. His Jesus is decisive, and always on the move, much like his Roman audience. His disciples are slow to learn and ultimately betray him. Mark presents the most demanding version of how a disciple should live in the world, following Jesus on the way to the cross.
Since Mark was (in the opinion of the vast majority of scholars) the first of the Gospels written, Mark should be studied before turning to the other Gospels. The contrasts with the other Gospels will be more easily identified and lead you to the other Gospel’s purposes. Without Mark first, it would be much harder to do.
COURSE 3: “The Gospel of Matthew”
Jesus revitalizes the Judaism of his day
Release date: May 15, 2022
One of the earliest concerns of the fledgling Jesus movement was how to merge the teachings of Jesus into the Judaism of most of Jesus’ early followers without departing from it. Matthew clearly presents Jesus as a reformer of the Judaism of his day. In fact, he is modeled as the new Moses who reinterprets the Law. Therefore, this Gospel displays more than the others the difficulty Matthew’s congregation had with the synagogue.
Matthew’s Gospel adds much of Jesus’ teachings to Mark’s outline. It was used extensively in the early church as one of the first catechisms. So much of Mark was copied in Matthew that until the modern era Mark was considered just a shorter version of Matthew.
You may begin to see, already, how different Matthew is from Mark. And that’s the point, isn’t it.
COURSE 4: “The Gospel of Luke”
The Jesus Movement goes from sect to inclusiveness
Release date: April 15, 2022
Luke is most concerned with the role Gentiles play in the Jesus Movement. Together with the Book of Acts, which he also wrote, Luke tells the story of the expansion of the gospel throughout the Roman world. Matthew begins Jesus’ story with his genealogy which he traces beginning with Abraham, the father of the Jews. Luke goes all the way back to Adam connecting Jesus beyond Judaism to all people, his main concern. Luke sees the church as the continuation of the ministry of Jesus in his absence. Therefore, he is concerned about righting the oppressive measures of Roman rule, the plight of the poor, the incorporation of Gentiles into the church, and the role of the Spirit. This Gospel can be seen as a guidebook on how a disciple might negotiate life in the Roman Empire.
COURSE 5: “The Gospel of John”
John’s Jesus as the expression of God’s Wisdom
Release date: June 15, 2022
John departs significantly from Mark (and the synoptic Gospels) and likely did not know of its existence. John has his own idea of how to present the life and teachings of Jesus. Where Mark limits Jesus’ ministry to about one year, John extends it to three years. John’s emphasis is away from the kingdom of God and focused on faith in Jesus. But this faith is not one of believing certain things, but of a deeply devoted trust in Jesus reflected in how love is displayed in a disciple’s life.
The Synoptic Gospels focus on Jesus, the human, while John is concerned with establishing Jesus’ divine status. It is the most theological of the Gospels.
Five Great Benefits You Will Gain from This Course
Each Gospel will become like a friend to you, providing as all friends do, a helpful perspective on your life that you will get nowhere else. Mark will show you what a faithful disciple looks like. Matthew will instill in you the depth of Jesus’ teachings. Luke will accompany you as you work to overcome the oppressive systems of our day. John will invite you into a deeper understanding of how to love God and your neighbor.
Until each Gospel becomes unique in one’s mind, it is impossible to go into any depth in Bible study. These courses provide a blueprint for adding to the basic knowledge given here. This is not just knowledge for its own sake, but for the deepening of your faith. It will become a lifetime pursuit.
This course will end the confusion you experience in listening to sermons or attending Bible study classes or events. Most pastors (but not all teachers) are well-aware of the intentions of a particular Gospel, but they don’t have the time in a sermon to bring the congregation up to date. What they assume is common knowledge will be missed by many, but not by you. Sermons will be much more beneficial to you.
Although not explicit as a module in the course, you will gain a more thorough understanding of what the Bible is and how it works. You will see how human beings were able to grasp the message of God through their encounters with Jesus which changed their lives and can change yours.
Huge Benefit #5
For those who purchase as individuals, you will have a 30-minute live conversation with Steve about any aspects of the course you choose. It’s best to save up your questions until the course is finished, but you may contact him any time. Please e-mail your questions before the conversation. This is not mandatory, but desirable.
For those who purchase as a group/congregation, Steve will conduct a live hour-long session with your group. In this case, emailing your questions before the session is required so Steve can prepare the session specifically for your group. But additional questions can be raised as the session continues.
Steve has been teaching the Gospels for over three decades to various groups and congregations. There have been quite a few alterations in how scholars look at the Gospels and he has kept a close eye on them. Somehow, he manages to keep the presentations clear without scholarly jargon. While he was in graduate school, his instructors emphasized the importance of talking to people where they are not where scholars are. So, even though he holds a Master’s Degree in Systematic Theology and a Master of Divinity degree, he speaks the language of the pew.
He believes the best way to understand Jesus is through hearing how the early church understood him. The Gospels provide four great portraits of his life and impact on his disciples. Modern disciples can learn much by getting to know them and the struggles they encountered.
Here Is What People Are Saying About Your Instructor
Lorence Wenke
Former Michigan State Representative
Mary McGrath, Wife, Mother
Randy Haynes, Retired Horticulturalist
Never have I seen one man hold an audience in rapt attention for over four hours. Steve Kindle did it. You will learn much from him and his courses. I definitely have.
Steve is not content to impart information—he wants you to “get it” and makes sure you do. That’s why he includes a consulting session with each course. Who does that?
When Steve presented the Gospel of Mark to my congregation, he blew us away. For the first time, I understood the depth of discipleship. I truly had to reevaluate my faith commitment.
What Is This Course Actually Worth? $2000!
The intangibles of any course or life-benefit are impossible to calculate. You will have to ask yourself how much mastering the Gospels means to you.
But here are some of the actual costs that are part of the course, but not charged for.
The consulting phone call (total for all 5 courses) $375
These courses in a seminary or university $1500 (no kidding)
Free introductory course $125
TOTAL $2,000
Actual Cost for Individuals and Groups
Get going on “Unjumbling the Gospels”
Normally $788 but only $394 until
Available through March 15, 2022
Upgrade your congregation’s biblical literacy
Contact Steve at steve@energion.co
Available through March 15, 2022